Thursday, May 2, 2024

Almost normal?

 Wednesday was a good day! I got a few stitches in on the cat last night. Progress.

The kids were a normal pick up. When I saw some frozen catfish in the freezer (when clearing out to defrost it so the noise stopped, blessedly quiet all-day Wednesday!), and a recipe card Aidan has picked up at Publix for Catfish Po'boys, his dinner was decided for Wednesday. We did stop at Publix on the way home and picked up a little more catfish so there was enough for him and Greg, and Emily and I got subs. We dislike most fish!. He did a great job doing the recipe and fying the fish. I might have changed the oil and cleaned the fryer as well. I did a little prep work for him of slicing tomato, lettuce and making a tartar sauce. 

Greg went and visited his Dad and it appears he will be in Rehab for a while. He needed a wheelchair to get to therapy yesterday so his strength will need to get built up again. 

The dog has been walked. I'm off to go pick some blueberries and then I have riding this afternoon before picking up the kids. Might I get a little stitching in? I do need to return a set of pans to UPS and fill up the chlorine jugs for the pool at Pinch and that is in the other direction. It might just be an errand day. We will see.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


 Another week of crazy...... kids this time! It is getting to be the end of school with all the end of school crazy. Testing started this week - AICE, florida and county. Way too much testing!

It has been double pick up's so far this week. Monday was a normal for Aidan and Emily stayed late for her spring concert. That meant, I needed to get dinner made and eaten before Grandma arrived around 5ish to get to school for the 6PM concert. The Jazz band played for about 30 minutes then the Symphonic band did their pieces which was about 30 minutes. They play in the cafeteria area, so that needed to be reset. Parents help with putting away the chairs and help get the things back to the band room - mostly the percussion as there is a lot of it! The girl has been sniffly again and I'm sure it is allergies and stress. 

Tuesday, I was planning an early walk of the dog then go for my bloodwork... but hubby reminded me the Truck needs a new battery, so a quick shower instead and then I took the kids to school then did my bloodwork. A few errands happened (allergy meds, Lactaid pills and tuna packets for Aidan's lunches) and then it was home to log into work. A trip to get the girl kid and bring her home at normal time. Then back to get the boy kid from his after school study review with the teacher. About half of each of her 3 classes showed up for the review. He came out a little after 4:30. I had to feed them.... and managed to empty the freezer part of the fridge. It is iced over... again and LOUD. So, it needs to be taken apart and get the frozen ice off the wires. This is an every 6 month occurrence with this stupid fridge. Aidan was able to take it apart for me, so I am on tap to hit it with the hair dryer now that dinner is done.

Oh, the truck did get a new battery today. Hubby took care of that.

Just a day in the life..... off to go ring out the towels and put the hair dryer to work on the ice jam.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

What a week....


Sadly, there was only a little stitching added to this cat this week. 

Monday, my FIL had a procedure to remove one of the kidney stones. When Greg arrived there late Tuesday morning they indicated he would be released that day. By 5PM and no paperwork, Greg had to go to the doctors boss's boss. My FIL chose no rehab, thinking he was ok. Later that evening when he tried to get dressed to go home, seems he was unable to dress himself! Sigh. It was too late at that point as he was discharged and everything was closed. Hubby had a long night with him, and it was a challenge to get him into the house and settled for the night. I went over directly after dropping the kids to school. He was able to contact the rehab facility he had been in before and they worked with the hospital to do the paperwork and get it covered by insurance. They we able to take him that afternoon by 4PM. Hubby got home after 5PM and crashed. His back has been painful ever since, as he had to help his Dad a bunch. 
Thursday I got some much needed horse time with Goody. 

Saturday Emily got her riding lesson. She tried a new horse as the instructor had not used him yet and was curious how he would do. He made Emily work a bit to get him to do what she wanted but he did a nice walk, trot and cantor.... or rather a walk, lope and jog since she was in a western saddle.

Instead of stitching I was reading. This one needs to get returned to the library, so I finished it last night. Cats do not make a good window while trying to read! Peanut kept trying to get on the book, silly cat. I also listened to an audiobook series by Vicki Delany about a Tea shop as a cozy mystery series.

I have been doing lots of house searching online, but we still have not gotten an offer on the house. We did hire lawyers for the process with the county though. They are expanding the road next to our house, from a standard 2 lane road to a 4 lane road with median divided and will be taking our property to do it. We have a 4 bedroom, 2 bath on 1.5 acres. I guess I really need to modify my search to include an in-law space as I really don't think FIL is able to live by himself without supervision. Hubby and I went to visit him at Rehab Saturday afternoon. He looked even weaker to me, but we did wake him from an afternoon nap. We will see how long they think it will take to get him stronger. 
I have yet to do any of my yellow sewing for the month and I hear May is all about pink. 
I'd better get busy doing some stuffed animal surgery for the Dog as I see a pile of his animals stacked up needing some stitching to keep the stuffing inside.
Lets see if I can get those handled before I head to pick up the boy from Grandma's house.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Painting with a twist

 I spent time Sunday afternoon with some adult girl scouts. It was a fun break and lots of yummy food and chatting while painting. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024


Saturday was a busy running around day. Emily got taken to horses for her lesson late morning. (about 25 minutes away)

After lunch when we got home, hubby and I headed 30-40 minutes in the other direction to visit my FIL in the hospital. The good news is his bloodwork numbers are slowly looking better. He is 88 and has a UTI, kidneys are not functioning well, a new kidney stone and slight diverticulitis. Thankfully we caught it early this time. They are taking great care of him, but it is very stressful for Greg. 
A quick breakfast for dinner and then I was a wee bit tired and didn't do much of anything after the kitchen was cleaned up. I might have done some side streets to check out housing areas on the way home as well. Our house will be taken for a road expansion sometime in the near future (it has been years of waiting but they are starting to buy up the properties the last few months) so we are scoping out potential areas that are closer to the kids school and well away from busy roads and noise.

I did do a little surgery stitching on the dog's stuffed animals. This is the 3rd one I fixed and one of his favorites. A $5 find at the pet store before Christmas! There was also a tear about half the size on his back that got fixed as well. 

The after photo.

From Emily's phone after I handed it to him, and he went to relax with it on Emily's bed.

Some hand quilting has been happening in the evenings. I have been working on the cats and like how these free hand arcs look.

Today I get to do a 'Painting with a Twist' with other adult girl scout volunteers this afternoon. It should be a fun time.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Another week of chaos...

 Well, not really. Just a little out of the norm. The boy was away at a Skills USA competition from Sunday to Wednesday. It was a great learning experience and he enjoyed himself and had a lot of fun. The girl enjoyed sleeping in a bit in the morning. Normally, they leave the house at 7:20 to get to school for Aidan's 8AM (zero period) class. She instead left the house around 8 and got there for 9AM school start time. (morning traffic is a bear). 

Wednesday night Emily and I had a GS planning meeting. Thursday morning the phone rang at 6AM with my FIL's name calling. Hubby jumped out of bed, got dressed and drove to his Dad's (40 minutes away) and got him and went to the ER. Itching all over and not able to sleep. After a full day in the ER - 7AM-5PM they admitted him. Turns out it was bad functioning kidneys, a really bad UTI and low hemoglobin count. Again. We did this a couple of months ago but caught it a bit sooner this time. They were waiting on the antibiotic script to be filled when hubby left around noon today to come home. 

I have not had much motivation this week. I did add some chip blocks. There are 6 now.

Thursday, I took the kids to school and then stopped to pick blueberries since the field we go to is a couple of miles from their school. It was also cooler in the morning - it has been getting close to 90 degrees the last couple of days. I picked for about 30 minutes and got $16 worth of berries. We don't count second breakfast of all the ones I 'tested' while picking!  Probably 4-5 pounds worth? It filled a big sheet pan (half the stove top) with a double layer of big yummy blueberries. I also got to ride today - Goody this time. 

This guy has been hanging around the front lawn... and sometimes torments the dog while sitting on the side lawn in front of the window/door the dog looks out while I am working. Aidan said there are baby bunnies around, but I have yet to see them.

Hopefully I can get a little yellow stitching in this weekend. I need some Arkansas Traveller and chicken blocks. I do have one yellow string of beads prepped as well.

Monday, April 15, 2024

String of Beads

I did a little stitching in bits and pieces this past weekend. I finally got the 4 green peels added to this Red String of Beads block. I also found some yellow in the scrap bin and cut 4 of them for the yellow block. I still need to prep that one for stitching by drawing the peels onto the background for placement but that should happen after work today.

The boy is up at his competition and is competing today. It is a first time for him as a Sophomore, so we will see how he does. His teammate has not been a lot of help, so he has managed to go it alone or get help from his buddies instead. The girl is late at school today with symphonic band practice for their Spring recital the end of the month. I think she enjoyed sleeping in an extra 40 minutes this morning instead of getting to school an hour early for her brothers class.